Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...3

✒️Dear Learners, If you are trying to learn a foreign language, you must built your
vocabulary, linguists says that minimum one twenty words is required to manage to speak a language not in effective manner but as like as a child speech.

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...2

✒️Dear Learners, Learning a foreign language helps to improve your memory and a recent study reveals that a bilingual person performed much better than a monolingual person. Another study is revealed that learning a foreign language can actually increase the size of the brain. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings - (One)

✒️Dear Learners, Now we are living in a very competitive world. In order to compete with each other, we need to equip ourselves with unique skills like learning as many languages as possible...

Spanish Basic : Greetings in Spanish via Tamil - Introduction - 2020

Dear Learned Ones! A Little Introduction about me and the blog;

✒️I am C.Thomas Noble, Advocate, Linguist and Admin of this site. I am a full-fledged lawyer. So, I couldn't believe I'd start a blog to teach Spanish through Tamil. But I have a robust passion to learn a foreign language and teach it through Tamil to the beginners who want to learn multiple languages.