Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...4

✒️Dear Learners, I have started with the subject in as single and easily understandable a way as possible. 

✒️So, my endeavoring in this blog to enlighten the learner of beginners. Thus, I welcome suggestions and advice from linguists and learners who visit my blog for the improvement of this site. Let's go to the subject...


21.) Cansado (கஹ்ன்சாதோ) = Tired = சோர்வுற்ற () களைத்துப்போன.

22.) Mal (மாஹ்ல்) = Unwell or Bad or Wrong or Harm or Misfortune = நலங்குறைந்த () நலக்கேடான.

23.) Bonito (போஹ்னிதோ) = Pretty = நேர்த்தியான () பார்ப்பதர்க்கு இனிமையான () அழகிய.

24.) Facil (ஃபசில் () ஃபதீல்) = Easy = எளிதான () கடினமற்ற.

25.) Triste (ட்ரீஸ்டெஹ்) = Sad or Unhappy = வருத்தமான () துன்பமான () கவலையான.

Continuation of Greetings will come shortly and please cross check everything what you have learned here and leave your comments to develop this blog.

 👇 My Other Blogs:



- Have a nice day 🌹

- C.Thomas Noble

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