Want to learn Spanish language? Want to make a career in it? then try to learn these languages and courses alongside Spanish which will be useful in future

Dear Learners, do you want to learn Spanish language? Do you want to make a career in it? then try to learn these following languages and courses alongside Spanish which will be useful in future!

Which language can be Learn with spanish language for getting employment?

1. Tamil ;

✒️Tamil is an Indian Dravidian language and one of the ancient language, which is widely speaking all over the world. Especially Tamil is spoken in south India. Spanish is spoken in Spain & other Latin American countries. Both these languages have many words in common. They are closely related cousins. There are many people who speak both Tamil and Spanish fluently.

2. English ;

✒️English most popular language worldwide which makes it popular for learning. If you want to get a job in any country where english is spoken then you should learn this language. There are many websites like 'Rosetta Stone' etc., that provide free online lessons for beginners in Spanish Language for students who wants to study in their own time at home.

3. French ;

✒️French is also most spoken language in the world today. This language is easy to learn and it’s good if you want to travel to Europe since France is part of the European Union. One of the best ways to learn French is by listening to podcasts on YouTube or other online platforms. 

4. German ;

✒️German was created as the official language of Germany back in 1935. More than 70 million people speaks German as natively, making it the largest native speaker community among the Latin-based languages. With its similarities to Dutch and Scandinavian languages, German is sometimes referred to as the “language of Germans.”

๐Ÿ‘‰Click here to buy books to Learn Spanish through Tamil.


✒️By mastering the above languages alongside Spanish, we have access to employment opportunities in fields such as education, tourism, foreign service, translation, interpretation, training, journalism and international business.

- Have a nice day ๐ŸŒน
- C.Thomas Noble.

Spanish verbs through Tamil and English Translation - 1


✒️Dear Learners from today onwards we are going to learn some important Spanish verbs through Tamil and English translation. Whereas, through past posts, we have learned some important words in sentences format along-with grammar tips.

Spanish - Christmas and New Year Wishes in Spanish via Tamil...

✒️Dear Learners, this post is nothing but greeting people on the eve of New Year and Christmas by expressing the same in Spanish with Tamil and English Translation...

Spanish - The Basics of Spanish via Tamil...(II)

✒️Dear Learners, This post is about continuation of basics of Spanish via Tamil. At the end of the post you may find some grammar tips for better understanding.

Spanish - The Basics of Spanish via Tamil...(I)

✒️Dear Learners, So far this day we have learned some things about Spanish language through Tamil, especially how to exchange greetings etc and that part ended with last post itself. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...15

✒️Dear Learners, now we are going to learn Spanish via Tamil based upon the eighth post's five words dated 03.07.2020 i-e Nunca, Comprendo, Aqui, ahora, mucho and at the end of the post you may find some grammar tips for better understanding and I am requesting you please go through my earlier posts or otherwise it is difficult to understand the current post sentences and relative words. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...14

✒️Dear Learners, now we are going to learn Spanish via Tamil based upon the seventh post's five words dated 24.06.2020 i-e Otra vez, Emocionado, Siempre, Tambien, Siento and at the end of the post you may find some grammar tips for better understanding and I am requesting you please go through my earlier posts or otherwise it is difficult to understand the current post sentences and relative words. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...13

✒️Dear Learners, now we are going to learn Spanish via Tamil based upon the sixth post's five words dated 13.06.2020 i-e Preocupado, A veces, Aburrido, Enojado, Enfermo and at the end of the post you may find some grammar tips for better understanding and I am requesting you please go through my earlier posts or otherwise it is difficult to understand the current post sentences and relative words. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...12

✒️Dear Learners, now we are going to learn Spanish via Tamil based upon the fifth post's five words dated 03.06.2020 i-e Cansado, Mal, Bonito, Facil, Triste and at the end of the post you may find some grammar tips for better understanding and I am requesting you please go through my earlier posts or otherwise it is difficult to understand the current post sentences and relative words. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...11

✒️Dear Learners, today also we are going to learn Spanish via Tamil based upon the fourth post's five words dated 30.05.2020 i-e Perdon, Sorprendido, Feliz, Contento, Disfruta and at the end of the post you may see some grammar tips for better understanding and I am requesting you please go through my earlier posts or otherwise it is difficult to learn the current post sentences and relative words. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...10

✒️Dear Learners, now we are going to learn Spanish via Tamil based upon the third post's five words dated 26.05.2020 i-e Lo siento, Disculpe, Por favor, Bien, Simpatico and at the end of the post you may see some grammar tips for better understanding and I am requesting you please go through my earlier posts or otherwise it is difficult to understand the current post materials. 

Spanish - Continuation of Greetings...9

✒️Dear Learners, now we are going to learn Spanish via Tamil based upon the second post's five words dated 23.05.2020 i-e Mucho gusto, Adios, Hasta luego, Hasta manana, Gracias and at the end of the post you may see some grammar tips for better understanding and I am requesting you  please go through my earlier posts or otherwise it is difficult to cope up with current and upcoming posts.